Bio identical Hormone treatment Palm City, FL - Balance Hormone Clinic

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the body to supplement declining hormone levels. As we age, our bodies produce fewer essential hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and more. Replacing these hormones through bioidentical therapy can provide relief from unpleasant symptoms and help people lead healthier, happier lives.

The key difference from conventional therapy is that bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as the hormones in your body. This allows them to bind better to hormone receptors and mimic the function of naturally produced hormones more closely.

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Palm City, our practitioners specialize in custom-compounded BHRT using high quality bioidentical hormones to meet each patient's unique needs. We provide treatment for both men and women.

Why Choose Balance Hormone Clinic for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

As a trusted health provider in Palm City for over 10 years, Balance Hormone Clinic has extensive experience with bioidentical hormones. Our board-certified practitioners stay up-to-date on the latest research and treatment methods to provide patients with the most advanced, evidence-based care.

We take a personalized approach to identify hormone imbalances through advanced testing and match bioidentical treatments to your unique physiology. This ensures better results than one-size-fits all approaches.

Our onsite compounding pharmacy prepares customized bioidentical hormone preparations tailored to your body and needs. We work closely with you to adjust dosages over time to help you feel your best.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, your comfort, safety and confidentiality is our top priority. We have helped over 5000 people restore hormonal balance and seen many lives transformed through bioidentical hormone therapy.

You don't have to live with unpleasant menopause or andropause symptoms. Our treatments can help you look and feel younger regardless of age or gender.

Our services

Revitalize your life with bioidentical hormone therapy.

Common Hormone Imbalances Treated

There are several key hormones that tend to decline with age. At Balance Hormone Clinic, we commonly treat the following imbalances with bioidentical hormones:

Estrogen Dominance in Women

Many women over 35 suffer from estrogen dominance - where estrogen levels are far higher relative to progesterone. This causes a wide array of symptoms like:

Bioidentical estrogen helps relieve these symptoms when used to rebalance hormones in combination with natural progesterone. It comes in different forms like estradiol, estrone and estriol that occur naturally in women.

Menopause and Perimenopause

As women approach menopause, production of estrogen and progesterone declines sharply. Low estrogen during menopause can cause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and mood swings. Declining progesterone intensifies these effects.

Menopause is clinically diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. The 2-10 years leading up is called perimenopause - also causing hormone fluctuations and unpleasant symptoms due to declining ovarian function.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we use bioidentical estrogen and progesterone therapy tailored to your needs to relieve symptoms and let you thrive through peri/menopause.


The male equivalent of menopause, andropause refers to age-related testosterone decline in men over 30. Low testosterone can cause many symptoms:

Through increasing bioidentical testosterone levels, men can counteract many effects of andropause - regaining healthy hormonal balance.

Customized treatment at Balance Hormone Clinic can help enhance libido, energy levels, body composition, mood and cognitive function. Allowing you to feel vigorous and empowered again.

Thyroid Issues

Many people suffer from underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism) thyroid issues. This can cause symptoms like unexplained weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, feeling cold, dry skin and mood instability.

Using bioidentical hormones T3 and T4, we can normalize thyroid hormone levels - relieving related symptoms. Allowing your thyroid to work optimally again.

Growth Hormone Decline

Growth hormone (GH) levels start dropping after age 30, continuing to decline progressively with age. Low GH can accelerate signs of aging like wrinkles, muscle loss, weight gain, hair loss and fatigue.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we offer growth hormone therapy using bioidentical GH peptides (like sermorelin) to raise GH levels. Helping rewind your biological clock for a more youthful life.

Assessing Your Hormones

The first step at Balance Hormone Clinic is always thoroughly assessing your hormone levels using advanced diagnostic testing. We provide comprehensive panels to get a complete picture.

Some examples of our high quality tests include:

Understanding your baseline hormone levels allows us to spot deficiencies, imbalances and patterns tied to symptoms - and craft optimally tailored treatment plans.

We retest hormones regularly during therapy to monitor progress and calibrate dosages to keep your levels balanced and ideal over time. This proactive optimization helps you continually feel your best as you age.

Compared to mail-order pharmacies or retail chains, our advanced diagnostics and customization sets us apart.

Interesting fact

While often seen as controversial, recent research has found customized bioidentical hormones may help relieve menopause symptoms as effectively as conventional hormone therapy, with potentially fewer risks like blood clots or cancer. More studies are still needed, but these highly personalized treatments show promise in providing women an alternative option during this transition.

Balance Hormone Clinic Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Process

Here is an overview of the full process we use at Balance Hormone Clinic for bioidentical hormone therapy:

  1. Initial Consultation - We conduct a comprehensive health evaluation, assessing needs, symptoms, lifestyle factors, family history and prior treatments. This helps us understand the full clinical picture. We also discuss goals and expectations to ensure treatment is personalized for optimal well-being and safety based on latest evidence.
  2. Diagnostic Testing - We use advanced tests to analyze hormone levels and biomarkers for deficiencies and imbalances tied to your symptoms. This establishes clinical need for treatment and a tailored dosage baseline. Follow up tests are used regularly to monitor and adjust therapy over time.
  3. Prescriptions & Compounding - Your practitioner provides bioidentical hormone treatment prescriptions specific to your imbalances and needs. These are optimally dosed and balanced then custom-compounded at our onsite pharmacy using high quality ingredients.
  4. Follow Up Care - We schedule ongoing follow ups to monitor your progress, adjust dosages, ensure healthy adaptation and continue rebalancing hormones. We partner closely with you long term for comprehensive treatment and optimal wellness over the aging process.

With this integrated, evidence-based approach focused on your unique needs - our patients achieve transformative revitalization, restored health and enhanced quality of life through properly balanced hormones.

Experience the life-changing benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy.

Balance Hormone Clinic Bioidentical Hormone Treatments

We offer a full range of bioidentical hormone therapy options for men and women. Some key treatments include:


For relieving menopause symptoms in women, we offer bioidentical estradiol in different forms:

Alongside estrogen, we use natural progesterone creams, gels or oral capsules tailored to your needs to ensure healthy balance between estrogen and progesterone.


Testosterone therapy for men experiencing andropause symptoms involves gels, injections, pellets or oral tablets using bioidentical testosterone. We customize dosage and form based on your age, needs and treatment goals.

For women, we may prescribe low-dose testosterone where appropriate - often as part of balanced hormone therapy with estrogen and progesterone.


For hypothyroidism, we offer desiccated thyroid like Nature-Throid and Westhroid in place of synthetic versions like Synthroid. Alongside T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, key nutrients like iodine, selenium, zinc, tyrosine and B vitamins can help optimize thyroid health and relieve deficiency.

For hyperthyroid conditions, we avoid antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy surgery - instead using holistic approaches like stress reduction, dietary change and botanicals.


Balance Hormone Clinic also offers bioidentical DHEA, melatonin, human growth hormone (HCG) and more. Treatments are fully personalized to address your clinical needs and health goals using optimal dosages.

Our practitioners have over 35 years combined experience using a wide range of bioidentical hormones. We stay current on the latest medical research to incorporate new promising therapies for patient benefit.

Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Restoring optimal hormone balance through bioidentical therapy can provide a wide array of life-changing benefits. Patients consistently report significant improvements such as:

Alongside physical effects, properly balanced hormones impart a profound sense of wellbeing, confidence and restored vitality - enabling you to pursue life to its fullest regardless of age or gender.

Importance of Timely Treatment

Age-related hormone decline is inevitable. But through proactive treatment, you can avoid many unwanted effects of declining hormones. The longer imbalances go untreated, the more likely you are to develop associated health issues like heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and cancer down the road.

Therefore, if you are experiencing potential symptoms of hormonal imbalance like fatigue, weight gain, low libido or night sweats - we strongly recommend getting tested sooner than later. Identifying issues in the early stages means treatment will be more effective and easier.

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Palm City, our practitioners have significant expertise diagnosing even subtle hormone deficiencies before they cause bigger health issues. We also stay on top of the latest testing and bioidentical treatment methods for outstanding patient results.

So whether you are a man feeling the effects of declining testosterone or a woman transitioning through menopause - we encourage you to have a consultation with us to explore your hormone treatment options. We tailor therapies based on clinical evidence and your unique physiology - getting your levels rebalanced for optimal wellness today and healthier longevity.

Balance Hormone Clinic in Palm City

As a pioneering BHRT provider in Palm City area with over 5000 patients treated, choosing Balance Hormone Clinic clinic means access to:

Whether you are new to bioidentical hormone therapy or looking for enhanced solutions - Balance Hormone Clinic has the capabilities, experience and proven protocols to get your levels rebalanced correctly. Allowing you to defy aging and feel amazingly energized again.

Medical Director: Dr. Johnson

Our founder Dr. Johnson is a leader in anti-aging and hormonal medicine with countless men and women restored to optimal wellbeing under his care across over 15 years. His passion is helping patients increase healthspan - living vitally lifelong through scientifically-based treatments focused on prevention.

In addition to specializing in age management, Dr. Johnson stays current on the latest advancements in precision hormone optimization, regenerative medicine, peak performance, genomics and more to serve patients at the cutting edge.

His top priority is listening closely to patient needs so every treatment plan is uniquely tailored for ideal responses. Ongoing fine tuning and healthy lifestyle guidance means continual progress at any age.

If you are seeking compassionate, dedicated medical care from a top hormone therapy expert trained at Mayo Clinic, Cenegenics Institute and more - call Balance Hormone Clinic today to have a life-changing consultation with Dr. Johnson.

Healthy Lifestyle Recommendations

To help you achieve maximum results from evidence-based hormone therapy, optimizing lifestyle factors is key. Our integrative care model at Balance Hormone Clinic provides customized healthy lifestyle guidance including:

Nutrition - We offer dietary analysis and personalized nutrition plans focused on hormone-supportive whole foods that fit your tastes and health objectives. Optimizing gut health is an important foundation.

Exercise & Movement - Incorporating regular movement into your routines not only benefits heart health, but serves as a natural anti-inflammatory and antidepressant. We provide custom fitness guidance tailored to your needs from walking to high intensity interval training.

Stress Reduction - Excessive stress triggers hormone imbalances like elevated cortisol and lowered testosterone over time. Our stress reduction protocols draw from approaches like meditation, yoga, massage therapy and more - helping restore resilience against draining demands.

Sleep Optimization - Getting consistently restful, restorative sleep is crucial for balanced hormone function and mental health. From bedroom environment optimization to sleep technology, we offer thorough sleep health evaluations and advice for deeper nightly rest.

While the right bioidentical hormones can produce transformative enhancements, supporting your body through positive lifestyle change accelerates and amplifies the benefits. Our dual-pronged approach addresses root causes for sustainably optimized wellness.

Helpful Local Establishments

The Palm City area offers abundant health-supportive amenities, attractions and businesses that bioidentical hormone patients may find useful during treatment including:

Desert Moon Wellness Spa - This soothing retreat provides massage therapy, facials, DIY baths, saunas and more for relaxation during hormone transition periods. Private charming setting.

Palm City Diagnostics - One of the most advanced labs in Palm City area, offering comprehensive hormone blood tests for accurate diagnostics and progress tracking during therapy. Direct insurance billing available.

Harvest Farms Market - This local grocer offers exceptional organic produce, grass-fed meats, sustainable seafood and other nutritious staples for following specialized nutritional plans from Balance Hormone Clinic providers.

Coastside Fitness - Top rated gym and wellness center situated along the waterfront, offering extensive exercise equipment, pools, sauna, yoga studios and daily public classes for staying active during treatment.

The Driftwood Inn - Charming Palm City historic inn providing luxurious suites, fine coastal dining and a spa - ideal for a private weekend getaway while undergoing rejuvenating hormone therapy.

These are just a few of the high quality establishments in the area that can help support your overall wellness and positive experience with bioidentical hormones from Balance Hormone Clinic. Let us know your specific interests and we can suggest more personalized recommendations. We hope you'll discover the transformative possibilities!

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